“I am more attentive in the moment.”
My dear friend Keesia Janes left all social media and gave up her smart phone seven months ago. I invited her on the show because I find the idea of unplugging from social media and smart phones a truly refreshing concept.
It really wasn’t that long ago that we all just used our cell phones for phone calls. It’s amazing how quickly we have become so dependent on our phones. Is social media and the smart phone making our lives better? Is the smart phone and social media tools or crutches? We discuss these questions and how these technologies have effected each of us in different ways. Please share your thoughts with us too!
Hey darlin if you ever want to do a podcast on honouring the brain and how ignoring our brains role Can lead to things like Seizures….i’m your girl
My message through a book i wrote and a play is about learning about what sets us off in life so we aren’t handing our power over to doctor’s only. They are only experimenting anyway so we may as well be in the drivers seat with them making changes to our thoughts and cells not just swallowing prescribed pills
Theresa Gabrielle
I love this!! Please email me your website and book thegoodwiththeresag@gmail.com
Theresa Gabrielle
I would love to check out your work!! Send me your website!
Jennifer Lynn Reijgers
I LOVED this podcast SO MUCH!!! Let’s start a social media revolution!!
Theresa Gabrielle
Thank you soo much!! I am in!!!