My Story: Rewiring the Brain Cured Chronic Illness and Anxiety
This story is a glimpse into a very small chapter of my life but the most trying chapter.
This is the chapter that caused me to now celebrate every little thing every day. It is the chapter that has gifted me with realizing how very special and lucky it is to walk, eat, socialize, travel and experience life to its very fullest.
It is also the chapter that made it unequivocally clear to me that our brain’s ability to rewire itself is one of the most powerful tools on the planet. Collectively, if we all learned to use our brains to focus on THE GOOD and SOLUTIONS, it is very likely we could begin to radically heal ourselves, our planet and all life on earth.
It’s a hard one to listen to because I rehash a lot of symptoms to validate the depth of illness and anxiety that my mind, through conscious rewiring, was able to cure.
I honestly don’t suggest you listen to it unless you’re dealing with chronic illness or anxiety. It’s not fun to hear. It’s tough. It’s not something that anyone who is currently rewiring their brain should focus upon.
I’m hesitant to share my story with the world but something bigger than me is pushing me and a personal hope that it can help someone else out there.
I will be releasing a follow up podcast soon where I share some tools that I used and still use to help keep my brain and life on track. I will also answer any questions that you all send in on that podcast!
Books I recommend,
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
Listen Below or in iTunes
Many thanks for sharing your story, Theresa. My placenta was not removed when I was born, and my mother had to have emergency surgery, just as you did, months after my birth. So right away, your experience grabbed me. I’ve had disabling chronic pain for 28 years, and just started listening to the DNRS dVDs. Your story is such an encouragement — bless you for being strong enough to be vulnerable, in service to others.
As a type-A perfectionist, I relish the opportunity to use my discipline to convince my limbic system that I am safe and “sturdy” (as you put it). I have no Chemical or electromagnetic sensitivities, so I was wondering whether my situation “fit” Annie Hopper’s paradigm. I also have chronic fever blisters on my face for which I take daily viral suppressive medication, so you and I share that symptom in common, in addition to anxiety. I’ve always known that my fight or flight system got stuck after my second epidural Block following back surgery, because everything changed overnight. but I didn’t know anything could be done about that. Now I feel more in control of my destiny. As a friend put it, I’m changing the grooves on my record. Thank you Again for being vocal about your success with neuroplasticity!
Theresa Gabrielle
Meg thank you so much for sharing some of your story. Your poor mother, I can’t imagine going months carry a retained placenta as I only had to go about a month. I will respond to your question in more depth on the My Story part 2 podcast. Chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic sensitivities where not on my list of problems at all!! So don’t let that side step you. You are in complete control and I am so excited for you because brains heal and often are better than ever! Thank you so much for your feedback! I greatly cherish it!
Thank you for sharing your story! I enjoyed it!
Theresa Gabrielle
Lisa! Thank you for listening! I so appreciate the feedback!
Thank you for sharing. What did you do to heal?
I see you recommend Annie’s book, but as far as I can see on amazon etc in the comment section it is purely an infomercial to sell her DVDs. Is this the case?
Everything I’ve tried helps slightly, then I regress. It’s mostly centered around foods for me. Can’t put on weight, histamine intolerance symptoms, insomnia, gut dysbiosis, etc. Herbal antibiotics help slightly, then regress. Yoga, meditation, relaxation etc helps. Done most of the normal work and tried everything most recommend over the past 9 years. Done all hospital tests, multiple functional doctors, naturopaths etc. It’s clearly something in the body. This seems like a logical next step. What do you think? Worth a shot? I just don’t know where to begin. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! (I wonder why every word gets a caps, lol).
All the best.
Theresa Gabrielle
Hi J, Thanks for reaching out. Annie’s DNRS training will teach you how to rewire your brain (limbic system) for health. Its a very rigorous program that is life changing. You have to really commit to the 6 months the program requires and you will see improvements or they will fully refund you. I think it is 100 percent worth trying. Begin by ordering the DVD’s or attending one of the DNRS workshops! Good luck and keep in touch!
Mackenzie I O'Neil
hi theresa! I so connect with your story. I started DNRS 1 month ago after doing medical medium for 1 year and getting better for a while, then sicker than ever… i am still doing medical medium, and still trying to add more foods within mm guidelines as i incrementally train (i was sensitive before and had worked my way up to maybe 20 foods on his protocol)… i would love to hear how you did DNRS at the beginNing and how you incorporated MM And eventually moved away… or how you incorporated the good things about his program but added in more freedom and love rather than fear… because i definitely want to be completely free! Thanks for your post this was so helpful!
Theresa Gabrielle
Mackenzie, thank you so much for your support! I do appreciate it! I incrementally trained to completely lose fear of food so I released MM guidelines. And trained to add as many foods as possible with no fear. Because I do believe now that fear is the number one disease creator. After being able to eat most foods. I have two that my body still do not love but otherwise I can eat about anything. I do choose now to eat gluten, soy and 70% vegan because it just makes me feel good. But I can eat gluten, soy and other stuff no problem and don’t hesitate when out to eat to indulge with out fear or guilt. It’s a celebration really! I’m overjoyed to be able to eat mostly anything!! I am excited for your journey! If you feel inspired please rate and review my podcast on Apple podcast as that helps me immensely! Apple Podcasts