Magical Medicine
Mary Aspinwall is a homeopath that has helped thousands of people return to health since 1995. She introduces us to the practice of homeopathy, gives us some history and tells us about the Golden Rules of homeopathy. We talk about the hugely popular Facebook group she started to educate people on using homeopathy in their everyday lives. We also both share our stories about healing from Mercury toxicity. Lastly she shares with us some very magical homeopathic healing stories.
Keith D Boynton
Americans for Homeopathy Choice has spent the last two weeks pounding the pavement and storming Capitol Hill.
Good job, ladies!
This organization has made a surprising amount of progress. Now, we need you to send your senators and state representatives a FOLLOW UP LETTER!! Deadline March 20th
Here is how:
· Visit to copy and paste the letters.
· Ask your local senators to sign the letter Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah is sending to the FDA, and then ask your local representatives to sign the letter Rep. Ryan Costello of Pennsylvania is sending the FDA.
· Call their offices and ask them the same thing! Call them 10 times!
This is your chance to do some good for homeopathy.
If ever there was a time for you to make your voice heard, this is moment!!
Rise up. You can make a difference!